To learn more about who we are and what we do, you can sign up one of the following group activities:
  • Volunteering
  • Sheltered factory/workshop tour
  • I'm Not Different! VR experience (VR experience is in Chinese only)
  • The Journey board game (board game is in Chinese only)

I'm Not Different!

VR experience
*VR is in Chinese only

Syin-Lu serves around 6,000 people with disabilities throughout Taiwan, including autism, cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, multiple disabilities or children with developmental delays.

Children with physical disabilities are very apparent. It’s relatively easy for other people to notice what they need and thus help them. People can also understand their inconvenience and feelings through activities that simulate what people with disabilities go through..

But for children with autism, their needs are less noticeable. Every light stimulates sharply, sounds are magnified, too much information at one time make children feel oppressed. For them, learning to accustom to the community around them, every day is one challenge after another.

While children with autism learn ways to relieve their emotions, “I’m Not Different! VR Experience” lets people, through VR, experience the world that autistic patients see, learn how to live side by side, and to be more inclusive and understanding.


Who can participate?

  • School – we recommend one class or one club per session. Please reserve at least 1 hour for the VR session and maximum of 20-25 participants per session (for larger group or shorter participate time, PC version will be used instead)
  • Corporate – team building event, family day, charity sales day
  • Community – community activities, parent- child activities
  • Teacher – If you are a teacher, we welcome you and your colleagues to go through the experience first. You can then use the materials in your class.
Its absolutely FREE ~

How much time is needed?

  • Full-version (in classroom, meeting)
    1. Introduction to Syin-Lu - 10 minutes 2. VR experience - 20~30 minutes (depend on number of participants) 3. Other disabilities hand on - 10 minutes 4. Discussion - 10 minutes
  • Event version (for family day, charity sales day)
    1. VR experience - 3 minutes/person 2. After experience QA - 1 minute/person

Is there any cost?

Nope. It’s completely free.
schedule a VR day now   *VR is in Chinese only
If you own VR glasses or
if you want to try non-VR experience,
you can install on your Android or Apple phone
and play now.